Malta's National League April 2019

Captured by a parent of Pembroke Karate Club James Roadley Battin. 

Train the Trainer 2019

With thanks Hilary Caruana of Outlook Coop for dedicating his time to help develop and progress our coaches with a four week training seminar. 

6th Small States of Europe Karate Championship, Reykjavik, Iceland 13th-14th September 2019 

The Maltese Karate Federation participated in the 6th Small States of Europe Karate Championship, held in Reykjavik, Iceland on the 13th and 14th September 2019. Four of the twenty-two Maltese athletes who represented Malta in this championship are members of The Pembroke Karate Club. They competed in both Kata (forms) and Kumite (sparring) and were awarded a total of seven medals: five gold, one silver and one bronze

Gradings and seminars 2022

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